

类型: 恐怖




『勾魂游戏』极受推崇, 在本格推理侦探片的范畴上, 算是一部成功的杰作, 若是你喜欢阅读阿嘉莎.克莉丝蒂的推理小说, 一定会喜欢它。本片的编剧之一是"惊魂记"男主角 - 安东尼柏金斯。   故事背景在地中海的一艘私人游轮上, 名制片家克林顿邀请六位好莱坞演艺界的大腕, 千里迢迢从美国飞到南法地中海沿岸, 打算在游轮度过一个礼拜的假期。同时, 克林顿公布了一个字谜游戏, 大家得照规矩参加, 就是每人各拿到一张卡片, 必須保密,不能被其他人看见, 每天晚上靠岸, 从两小时的游戏时限内, 探索出克林顿要求的答案,很不幸的, 後来的发展, 让六位宾客人人自危, 因为每张卡都在提醒着六个人不想被別人探查到的隐私,但秘密却在別人手裡的那张卡裡......原来克林顿的老婆席拉, 在一年前的宴会上被撞死, 一直查不到凶手是谁, 难道他这次的邀请, 是想藉着游戏来找出凶手...


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    1943 恐怖
    简介:  黑色電影的影像加間諜片的驚險,根據真實事件改編,費立茲‧朗這部反納粹電影有著豪華的陣容,戲劇大師布萊希特、音樂家漢斯‧艾斯勒等流亡美國的德國文化巨星參與創作,華裔攝影大師黃宗霑掌鏡。外號「布拉格劊子手」的德國佔領軍高層在布拉格被剌殺,剌客得到反抗人士幫助逃脫。德國人拘捕數百無辜人質,要求交出剌客,否則殺掉人質報復。逃脫的剌客要如何救回人質?
  • 异魔1990 10.0 异魔1990
    1990 恐怖
    简介:  科学狂人制造出了恐怖狰狞的杀入机器森杰诺,用于未来的中东战争,而战争尚未开始,森杰诺已经逃脱出来滥杀无辜,危机之刻谁来挺身而出消灭森杰诺呢?
  • 罪网 1.0 罪网
    1947 恐怖
    简介:  Leopold Kroner, formerly of Colby Enterprises, is released after five years in prison for embezzlement. Andrew Colby, claiming that Kroner has threatened him, hires lawyer Bob Regan as a secret bodyguard. Sure enough, Kroner turns up in Colby's room with a gun, and Regan kills him. Then Regan, who sticks around to romance Colby's secretary Noel, begins to suspect he's been used.
  • 加勒比海之谜 8.0 加勒比海之谜
    1983 恐怖
    简介:  Major Palgrave, an idiosyncratic but charming mystery writer, reveals to Miss Marple that one of the guests at a luxurious Caribbean resort they're staying at is a Bluebeard-type wife murderer. Unfortunately, the Major succumbs to an apparently accidental overdose of alcohol and blood pressure medication before revealing the killer's identity. When it's discovered that the medicine belonged to another guest and the revealing photograph the Major was carrying is missing, Miss Marple realizes that the serial killer has struck again and more murders will follow.
  • 借镜杀人 1.0 借镜杀人
    1985 恐怖
    简介:  Marple is asked by her lawyer, Christian Gilbranson, to visit his step-mother, Carrie Louise Serrocold, an old friend of Miss Marple's, at her country estate. Carrie's husband, Lewis, confides to Miss Marple that he suspects someone is slowly poisoning his wife, and when Gilbranson visits the mansion, he is mysteriously murdered.
  • 杀人不难 2.0 杀人不难
    1982 恐怖
    简介:  A mathematician and author, Luke Williams, is travelling up to London on a train when he meets a old lady, Lavinia Fullerton, who is also going to London, to Scotland Yard. Lavinia tells Luke that in her small village several people have died. The local police are certain that it was all accidental and are taking no action but Lavinia isn't convinced. In London Luke watches, horrified, as Lavinia is run over in a hit and run and he becomes convinced that she was telling the truth. He travels down to the village and with the aid of a local girl, who is also convinced that the deaths were murder, sets out to solve the mystery.


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